What does a man need - really need? A few pounds of food each day, heat and shelter, six feet to lie down in - and some form of working activity that will yield a sense of accomplishment. That's all - in the material sense, and we know it. But we are brainwashed by our economic system until we end up in a tomb beneath a pyramid of time payments, mortgages, preposterous gadgetry, playthings that divert our attention for the sheer idiocy of the charade.
The years thunder by.
The dreams of youth grow dim where they lie caked in dust on the shelves of patience.
Before we know it, the tomb is sealed.
Where, then, lies the answer?
In choice.
Which shall it be: bankruptcy of purse or bankruptcy of life?
- Sterling Hayden (Wanderer, 1973)
I am pondering in amazement, and questioning...
What are your thoughts?
yup yup yup...
The question, to me, is really what are the dreams that we are pursuing. If they are only for our own gain, is happiness any different of a slave master than morgages, etc.?
True freedom and joy are in this type of reckless abandoned life that is fueled by Christ's life and love. That is really living!!!!
When a deeper dimension is awakened, and engaged, one begins to orientate life in a right and good way... the Way that was meant to be from the beginning.
Keep being amazed, ponder at lenght, and question til you arrive!
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