Sunday, April 22, 2012

Annual Maintenance

Each year, it takes a lot of effort to get a sailboat ready for the new season. I maintain a commissioning list of all the things that need to be done. Most of the things can be done with the boat in the water, but there are a few things that have to be done on land. Many dread these annual chores, but for me, it is a labor of love. It is such a departure from my daily grind in the office to get out in the fresh air and work.

Last year, I had the old bottom paint ground down to the gelcoat, added three barrier coats and then two coats of ablative antifouling paint, which will make the annual maintenance easier. I only have to rough up the bottom with 80-grit sandpaper and re-apply one coat of Micron Extra with Biolux. This paint is designed to wear away like a bar of soap so marine growth, algae and slime can't really attach to the bottom, which makes for faster sailing! I had the boat hauled out on Wednesday, with a plan to tackle the bottom on Saturday, the better of the two weekend days weather wise. I also waxed the hull which is much easier to do on land, but can be done in the water. Yes, every muscle in my body hurts, but it is a good hurt! She is all shiny and ready to be re-launched on Tuesday.


joel said...

Excellent! Hope you have a great season.

Anonymous said...

Good to see your post. Hope to see you this summer. Think about comming to the Sailnet Rondevous at Maryland Yacht Club on June 9th

Dave and Donna- Haleakula