Monday, August 18, 2008

Chicago Trip 8/15 - 8/17

Eileen and I met our friends, Tim and Julie in Chicago to watch the air and water show and sail Julianna back to Holland. We hung out with fellow members of PMYC (Poor Man's Yacht Club) along the North wall of Monroe Harbor. We had such a good time! The air show was fantastic, but very loud, and the weather was perfect! We anchored just North of Monroe Harbor and had front row seats, along with others from PMYC that anchored nearby. There were literally thousands of boats in the anchorage. It was nice to sit back and relax prior to setting sail for Holland, an 85 nautical mile journey. For the trip home, we had favorable winds out of the West and South West with following 2-4 foot waves. We made the trip in one leg on a broad reach. Not one tack! It was Eileen's first crossing of Lake Michigan and a very pleasant one at that. We set sail after sunset and sailed all night, taking 2-hour shifts on watch during our 14 1/2 hour trip. We encountered on freighter and had to alter course a few degrees to pass to his stern.

Heading out to the air and water show
It was good to see Sandy and Mitch again, owners of Snafu, a Pearson 34, and fellow members of PMYC. We met them in Holland on their way back to Chicago after the 320 nautical mile race from Chicago to Mackinac. Don't ask me what they are passing...I really don't know!
Julie delivering coffee to Eileen in the v-berth of Julianna
Tim, Sailing Master of PMYC at the helm of Julianna
The Chicago lighthouse

Joey K, owner of Bare Bum, an Irwin 34, and Commodore of PMYC
A Stealth Bomber above Julianna's rigging
The Blue Angels were another one of the show's highlights
Another shot of the Blue Angels
Heading back to Monroe Harbor after the show

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