Monday, August 25, 2008

The Maxson's Visit 8-24-08

The Maxson family is currently living in Ann Arbor, MI and they came to visit us this past weekend. They were fellow members of Bethel Grove, our church in Ithaca NY. They have quite a clan. Only seven of their nine kids were with them! The two oldest were overseas. We sailed Lake Macatawa as the winds were north of 20 knots on Lake Michigan and the waves were approaching 8 feet (small craft advisory)! Here are some shots of sailing Lake Mac under genoa only.

Yes, all of these people were on board. I had to borrow two life jackets!

Five of the kids on the rail

Jamie hanging with Joel...impressive speed for the genoa

Another shot of the crew

Captain and First Mate!

1 comment:

The Cornell's said...

I hope there were enough brownies!